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Class jschem.objectData


public class objectData
extends Object
Setup the data for any electrical element.

Variable Index

 o border
the boundary of the element
 o circle
circles in a rectangle structure
 o circlecount
number of circles for the shape
 o line
lines in a rectangle structure
 o linecount
number of lines for the shape
 o paramcount
defines the element parameter count
 o paramDef
defines the element parameter name for SPICE
 o paramName
defines the element parameter names, starts with '*' if it is optional
 o paramPredef
defines the element parameter predefined values when starting with a '*' or a max/min value when starting with '!' or null if nothing is given (several values separated with blanks)
 o paramUnit
defines the element parameter units
 o paramValue
defines the element parameter values
 o pincount
number pins of the element
 o pinname
pin internal names
 o pinnamex
pin name positions
 o pinnamey
pin name positions
 o pinx
pin positions
 o piny
pin positions
 o valx
position of the parameter value label
 o valy
position of the parameter value label

Constructor Index

 o objectData(int, int, int, int)
initializes datasets for lines, circles, pins and parameters

Method Index

 o rotate90()
Rotate all coordinates by 90 degrees.
 o selectionBox(int, int, int)
Return a drawable rechtangle with given grid and position


 o border
 public Rectangle border
the boundary of the element

 o linecount
 public int linecount
number of lines for the shape

 o line
 public Rectangle line[]
lines in a rectangle structure

 o circlecount
 public int circlecount
number of circles for the shape

 o circle
 public Rectangle circle[]
circles in a rectangle structure

 o pincount
 public int pincount
number pins of the element

 o pinx
 public int pinx[]
pin positions

 o piny
 public int piny[]
pin positions

 o pinname
 public String pinname[]
pin internal names

 o pinnamex
 public int pinnamex[]
pin name positions

 o pinnamey
 public int pinnamey[]
pin name positions

 o paramcount
 public int paramcount
defines the element parameter count

 o paramName
 public String paramName[]
defines the element parameter names, starts with '*' if it is optional

 o paramValue
 public String paramValue[]
defines the element parameter values

 o paramDef
 public String paramDef[]
defines the element parameter name for SPICE

 o paramUnit
 public String paramUnit[]
defines the element parameter units

 o paramPredef
 public String paramPredef[]
defines the element parameter predefined values when starting with a '*' or a max/min value when starting with '!' or null if nothing is given (several values separated with blanks)

 o valx
 public int valx
position of the parameter value label

 o valy
 public int valy
position of the parameter value label


 o objectData
 public objectData(int lines,
                   int circ,
                   int pins,
                   int params)
initializes datasets for lines, circles, pins and parameters

lines - amount of lines
lines - amount of circles
lines - amount of pins
lines - amount of parameters


 o rotate90
 public void rotate90()
Rotate all coordinates by 90 degrees.

 o selectionBox
 public Rectangle selectionBox(int x,
                               int y,
                               int grid)
Return a drawable rechtangle with given grid and position

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