All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


accept(File, String). Method in class schemFilter
acPanel(Frame, String). Constructor for class acPanel
Opens a AC simulation panel.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class acPanel
This method is needed as this class is an action listener.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class dcPanel
This method is needed as this class is an action listener.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Processes the dialog buttons.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class plotPanel
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class tranPanel
This method is needed as this class is an action listener.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent). Method in class viewPanel
This method is needed as this class is an action listener.
add(int, int, int, int). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Adds a new segment.
add(netData). Method in class jschem.netData
Adds segments from a given dataset.
add(Rectangle). Method in class jschem.netData
Adds a segment.
addElement(String). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
This method notifies the schem board that the user wants a new element.
ampElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.ampElement


bjtElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.bjtElement
border. Variable in class jschem.objectData
the boundary of the element


capElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.capElement
checkConnection(connectionList). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Try to connect element to the given network (in connectionList class).
checkJoinNet(int, int, int, int). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Checks if given path joins to the existing wires.
circle. Variable in class jschem.objectData
circles in a rectangle structure
circlecount. Variable in class jschem.objectData
number of circles for the shape
connectionList(int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.connectionList
Build new connectivity list for a schematic.
createFrame(). Method in class jschematic
This is called by any master (e.g.
currElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.currElement


dataValid. Variable in class acPanel
dataValid. Variable in class dcPanel
dataValid. Variable in class tranPanel
dcPanel(Frame, String). Constructor for class dcPanel
Opens a DC simulation panel.
deleteSelected(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
If there is an element selected, we delete it!
deleteSelection(). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Delete a selection
dioElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.dioElement


editSelected(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
If there is an element selected, we edit it!
electricElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.electricElement
Sets up an electric element at a specific position and with a specific rotation on a given grid.


fromString(String). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Setup connectivity list from GRAPHICS line.
fromString(String). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Reads a GRAPHICAL line to set up element.


genParam(). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Generates a parameter string for display.
genParam(). Method in class jschem.mosElement
Generates a parameter string for display.
genParam(). Method in class jschem.resElement
Generates a parameter string for display.
genParam(). Method in class jschem.voltElement
Generates a parameter string for display.
getAppletInfo(). Method in class jschematic
This class is called by a master to get some information about this applet.
getDescription(). Method in class schemFilter
getGraData(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
A method to get a GRAPHICS data out of the current schematic.
getMaximumSize(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Some containers need this to lay out this canvas.
getMinimumSize(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Some containers need this to lay out this canvas.
getNetAt(int, int). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Checks if given coordinate hits an existing wire.
getNetlist(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
A method to get a SPICE netlist out of the current schematic.
getPreferredSize(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Some containers need this to lay out this canvas.
getProbes(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
A method to get SPICE print cards for the probes out of the current schematic.
gndElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.gndElement


indElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.indElement
init(). Method in class jschematic
This is called by any master (e.g.
iprobeElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.iprobeElement
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Processes any choice changes


jschematic(). Constructor for class jschematic


keyPressed(KeyEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Needed to satisfy the keyListener interface - not needed here.
keyReleased(KeyEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Needed to satisfy the keyListener interface - not needed here.
keyTyped(KeyEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
The part of the key listener interface used to watch key typing.


line. Variable in class jschem.objectData
lines in a rectangle structure
linecount. Variable in class jschem.objectData
number of lines for the shape
load(String). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Load a schematic board file containing elements and connections.


main(String[]). Static method in class jschematic
With this we allow starting the applet as an application, too.
menuAction(ActionEvent). Method in class jschematic
handles the menu actions, we may separate this later....
modelList(String). Method in class jschem.spiceModels
mosElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.mosElement
mouseClicked(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Used to select elements or nets.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Used to draw a new net segment interactive.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Needed to satisfy the MouseListener interface - not needed here.
mouseExited(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Needed to satisfy the MouseListener interface - not needed here.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Used to update an element on hold (before it is correctly placed by the user)
mousePressed(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Used to draw a new net segment interactive.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
Used to draw a new net segment interactive.
moveSelected(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
If there is an element selected, we move it!


name. Variable in class jschem.netData
The name of the network.
netData(int, String). Constructor for class jschem.netData
Initializes network data.
netData(netData). Constructor for class jschem.netData
Initializes network data with a given dataset (creates a copy).
noSource. Variable in class acPanel
noSource. Variable in class dcPanel


objectData(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.objectData
initializes datasets for lines, circles, pins and parameters


paint(Graphics). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Can be called to allow the connections to draw them themselves.
paint(Graphics). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Can be called to allow the elements to draw them themselves.
paint(Graphics). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
A 'standard' paint method (called by the canvas' update).
paint(Graphics). Method in class jschem.txtElement
Can be called to allow the elements to draw them themselves.
paramcount. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter count
paramDef. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter name for SPICE
paramName. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter names, starts with '*' if it is optional
paramPredef. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter predefined values when starting with a '*' or a max/min value when starting with '!' or null if nothing is given (several values separated with blanks)
paramUnit. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter units
paramValue. Variable in class jschem.objectData
defines the element parameter values
pincount. Variable in class jschem.objectData
number pins of the element
pinname. Variable in class jschem.objectData
pin internal names
pinnamex. Variable in class jschem.objectData
pin name positions
pinnamey. Variable in class jschem.objectData
pin name positions
pinx. Variable in class jschem.objectData
pin positions
piny. Variable in class jschem.objectData
pin positions
plotPanel(Frame, String, Vector, Vector). Constructor for class plotPanel
probeElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.probeElement


resElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.resElement
rotate90(). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Set rotation of the element.
rotate90(). Method in class jschem.objectData
Rotate all coordinates by 90 degrees.
rotateSelected(). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
If there is an element selected, we rotate it!
run(). Method in class jschematic
After init, this method is called by the master to activate the applet thread.


schemBoard(int, int, int, String). Constructor for class jschem.schemBoard
Setup a schematic board containing elements and connections.
schemFilter(). Constructor for class schemFilter
segment. Variable in class jschem.netData
List of segments in Rectangle format.
segmentcount. Variable in class jschem.netData
Amount of segments in this network.
selectFullNetAt(int, int). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Select a whole net at a given coordinate
selectionBox(int, int, int). Method in class jschem.objectData
Return a drawable rechtangle with given grid and position
selectNetAt(int, int). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Select a net segment at a given coordinate
setLocation(int, int). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Update the position of the element.
setProps(). Method in class jschem.voltElement
This method is called to update the form entries.
setShadow(boolean). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Set shadow mode of the element.
spiceModels(). Constructor for class jschem.spiceModels
spiceReader(DataInputStream). Constructor for class spiceReader
start(). Method in class jschematic
With this the master tells the applet to start computations (here not needed).
stop(). Method in class jschematic
With this the master tells the applet to stop computations (here not needed).


tempSweep(). Method in class acPanel
This generates the needed line for temperature variation.
tempSweep(). Method in class dcPanel
This generates the needed line for temperature variation.
tempSweep(). Method in class tranPanel
This generates the needed line for temperature variation.
toString(). Method in class acPanel
This generates the needed line for simulation.
toString(). Method in class jschem.connectionList
Creates GRAPHICS line.
toString(). Method in class dcPanel
This generates the needed line for simulation.
toString(). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Gives a GRAPHICAL line for this element.
toString(). Method in class jschem.netData
Returns the net name and the amount of used segments.
toString(). Method in class plotPanel
toString(). Method in class jschem.spiceModels
toString(). Method in class spiceReader
toString(). Method in class tranPanel
This generates the needed line for simulation.
toString(). Method in class viewPanel
this generates a dummy return - all classes have it! the main class collects everything for simulation by calling this
toString(int). Method in class jschem.electricElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.gndElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.iprobeElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.mosElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.probeElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.resElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.txtElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
toString(int). Method in class jschem.voltElement
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.
tranPanel(Frame, String). Constructor for class tranPanel
Opens a TRAN simulation panel.
txtElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.txtElement


update(Graphics). Method in class jschem.schemBoard
We replace the update method to do double-buffering.
updateChoice(Choice). Method in class jschem.bjtElement
This method is called when a choice in the parameter form is changed (to do further updates).
updateChoice(Choice). Method in class jschem.dioElement
This method is called when a choice in the parameter form is changed (to do further updates).
updateChoice(Choice). Method in class jschem.electricElement
This method is called when a choice in the parameter form is changed (to do further updates).
updateChoice(Choice). Method in class jschem.mosElement
This method is called when a choice in the parameter form is changed (to do further updates).
updateChoice(Choice). Method in class jschem.voltElement
This method is called when a choice in the parameter form is changed (to do further updates).


valx. Variable in class jschem.objectData
position of the parameter value label
valy. Variable in class jschem.objectData
position of the parameter value label
viewPanel(Frame, String). Constructor for class viewPanel
voltElement(int, int, int, int). Constructor for class jschem.voltElement


windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was activated (not used here).
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowActivated(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was closed (not used here).
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowClosed(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
we want to know if the panel gets closed (window listener interface)
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
we want to know if the panel gets closed (window listener interface)
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window manager tries to close the window.
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
we want to know if the panel gets closed (window listener interface)
windowClosing(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
we want to know if the panel gets closed (window listener interface)
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was deactivated (not used here).
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was deiconified (not used here).
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was iconified (not used here).
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowIconified(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class acPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class dcPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class jschematic
With this we detect that the window was opened (not used here).
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class plotPanel
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class tranPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface
windowOpened(WindowEvent). Method in class viewPanel
just to satisfy window listener interface


xVals. Variable in class spiceReader


yiVals. Variable in class spiceReader
yVals. Variable in class spiceReader