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Class jschem.txtElement


public class txtElement
extends electricElement

Constructor Index

 o txtElement(int, int, int, int)

Method Index

 o paint(Graphics)
Can be called to allow the elements to draw them themselves.
 o toString(int)
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.


 o txtElement
 public txtElement(int x,
                   int y,
                   int gr,
                   int r)


 o toString
 public String toString(int inst)
Gives a SPICE line for a given instance number.

toString in class electricElement
 o paint
 public void paint(Graphics g)
Can be called to allow the elements to draw them themselves. It draws the shapes in green, connected pins blue and unconnected pins in red. Additionally the net names of the pins (if available) are printed.

g - Graphics context to draw to
paint in class electricElement

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